Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And So We Begin

I intend on going back to edit this with more details once I get the hang of how to do this, but for now I am just going to get out my first entry.

About one month ago my partner J and I began our first round of IUI. Because of my age (37), our doctor felt our best shot would be with Clomid, Ovidrel, and Progesterone. So, after much research and deliberation, we chose our donor with the hopes that his swimmers would help us reach our goal of adding a happy face to our family.
Waiting 2 weeks after insemination to take our first hpt seemed like a lifetime. Every little movement my body made, I was excited and concerned. The first few days, I thought I felt changes in my body--especially the tenderness of my breasts--but after a few days it subsided and I felt it no longer. Because there is only a 30% of success, I remained logical and knew although there was a chance, it was a small chance. On the morning of day 14, at 3am, we took our first test. Much to our surprise the test was positive! Say what?!? Tears of joy ran down both our faces and we immediately began thinking of how our lives were going to change. We couldn't believe how lucky were were! Then about 6 hours later, it dawned on us that we should maybe take another test to be sure--just as a formality. We took the test and a Big Fat Negative (BFN) glared back at us. Out of shock and frustration, we immediately took two more tests which also resulted in a negative. Confused and frustrated, we called our nurse who sent us in for a blood test. We waited on pins and needles the next 12 hours for the results asking questions like, "How could it be positive and then not?" "If it was going to be negative, why couldn't it have just been negative from the start?" "Maybe it is positive...maybe the negative tests were just 'watered down'." We received the blood test results and there were only traces of HCG in my blood which they then concluded our pregnancy was negative.
I stopped taking progesterone and awaited my lady parts to get back in sync. I'm now on Day 3 of my cycle and have started taking Clomid again. Next week we will go in for an ultrasound to see how the follicles are looking.  So for now, it's positive thoughts and lots of hope and faith that what is meant to be, will be.

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